Two-Moon Journey: The Potawatomi Trail of Death Hardcover
Two Moon Journey tells the story of a young Potawatomi girl named Simu-quah and her family and friends who are forced from their village in Indiana where they have lived for generations, to beyond the Mississippi River in Kansas. Historically the journey was known as the Potawatomi Trail of Death. Like the real Potawatomi, Simu-quah sees the soldiers set fire to part of her village as she takes her first steps to a distant and frightening westward land. She experiences the heat and exhaustion of endless days of walking; helps nurse sick children and the elderly in a covered wagon. During the journey she turns away from hating the soldiers to seeing them as people. In Kansas, as she plants corn seed she has saved from her Indiana home, she turns away from the bitterness of removal and finds forgiveness, the first step in the journey of her new life in Kansas.
Grades 3-7. Hardcover. 364 pages. 2018, Indiana Historical Society Press. By Peggy King Anderson.