During the Vietnam War, more than two and a half million American men and women served in the U. S. armed forces. In addition to providing conventional army, navy, and air force units, the American military fought Vietcong insurgents and North Vietnamese regulars with Army Special Forces. From 1968 to 1969, Daniel H. Fitzgibbon, a Columbus, Indiana native, served as a captain with the Fifth Special Forces Group in South Vietnam. Fitzgibbon wrote letters home about his experiences running two Special Forces A team camps. Fitzgibbon's mother saved these letters and gave them back to the veteran, who typed and copied them. "To Bear Any Burden" examines Fitzgibbon's war, from his arrival in South Vietnam to his life as commander.
Hardcover. 147 pages. 2005, Indiana Historical Society. By Daniel H. Fitzgibbon.